In Text Citations:
Follow the author-date method (author, date)
Referencing the general work (Jones, 1998)
Referencing a specific section or sentence in the work (Jones, 1998, pp. 199-201)
Always capitalize proper nouns and names
If you refer to the title of a source within your paper, capitalize all words that are four letters long or greater within the title of a source (Example: Permanence and Change)
Name the author(s) in a single phrase introducing the use of the source, or in the parentheses containing the citation’ author, page, and page number (if referring to a specific section or directly quoting information)
Use the phrase “et al.” when using a source with three or more authors
Reference List:
Reference lists are located at the end of the paper on a separate page
Reference lists are titled: References (References should be centered on the page)
Reference entries should be listed alphabetically, double spaced, and each entry will be indented after the first line .5 inch from the left margin
Generally, each reference list entry should include four essential elements: author, date, title, and source
Reference formats are based on the document type (journal article, book, etc.)
Most references do not require retrieval dates. Instead, include a DOI or URL at the end of the entry. DOI is preferred.