The Information Literacy Program focuses on undergraduate. However Utah Tech Library Faculty help foster the continuing education of research needs for graduate, faculty, staff, and community.
A. Utah Tech Students:
We are committed to:
Certain groups of Utah Tech students targeted by the library program include:
1. Connections Course: The primary goal of instruction for Freshman Connections students is to help them locate resources within the Utah Tech Library and identify key features of the Utah Tech Library's home page and feel more comfortable about asking for assistance. Currently Connection students attend a brief instruction session.
2. English 1010/2010 Students: The General Education goals of library instruction for English classes are to establish baseline information literacy skills and familiarize students with fundamental information literacy concepts. Information literacy concepts covered include accessing and evaluating information effectively and efficiently.
3. LLS 1010 Online Students: Utah Tech has a one credit course provided online. This is a beginning research course. It covers topics such as Information Literacy, Visual literacy, plagiarism, copyright, evaluation of sources, types of sources, types of research, and citations. This is a basic course focused on students who have never done any research.
4. Online Students: Utah Tech Library provides many online learning opportunities to students at point of need, 24/7, anywhere in the world. These include LibGuides (Research Guides) on specific subjects and topics, tutorials including the Plagiarism Tutorial, short video tutorials on basic information literacy concepts, etc. to accommodate online and/or distance students or any other student for whom the classroom format is unsuitable.
B. UTAH TECH FACULTY: Faculty involvement and collaboration in information literacy instruction and research skills is critical.
Through collaboration with teaching faculty, librarians are better positioned to integrate information literacy and research skills into the curriculum. Together faculty and librarians design exercises and assignments to assist students in practicing research based skills.
Awareness of information literacy concepts and research skills are important to faculty in their own research and teaching. These are delivered through workshops and one-on-one consultations that introduce new or enhanced discipline-specific resources to faculty.
C. UTAH TECH STAFF: Librarians offer instruction and consultation to Utah Tech staff in support of their work-related as well as personal research.
D. COMMUNITY: The library currently provides orientation and instruction for local and regional high school classes via the Concurrent enrollment program. The library also provides workshops and programs for other groups upon request. The library is also a member of the Foundation Directory and therefore provides access and help to the community in finding grants.