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English Resources: Milton

Resources to support English courses

Books on the shelf

Advanced searching the library catalog for Milton

On the library homepage (, choose "Online catalog" from under the search box.

A new search bar will appear that says "Quick Search" above it.

Under that you will see the hyperlinked words: "Power Search" - click the link.

Now you have more options for searching!

Suggestions for finding books on Milton

  • Use a "Subject" search from a drop down menu and type in "John Milton" - this will find all library materials about John Milton
  • We have MANY e-books about Milton - to look at only physical books on the library shelves, look for the "location" drop down menu and select "Library stacks"
  • To look at the list of books in different ways, look for the "sort by" drop down menu and select the option that works for you


Internet Resources

Library databases

Other fascinating sites from the Internet