The library curates the Trailblazer Reads program where faculty, staff, and students can recommend books they’ve enjoyed. Students can then check out and read one of these books for one entry into the drawing for $70.00 toward the purchase of a textbook at the university bookstore and lunch with the Library Dean. There is no limit to the number of books you can read and enter in the drawing.
For five additional entries, submit your written comments about the book to the library Circulation Desk.
The library does the drawing at the beginning of every spring semester. If your name is chosen, the dean of the library would like to buy you lunch and purchase one of the textbooks that you will need for the Spring term (textbook cost up to $70).
We would encourage you to recommend a book you’ve loved to our Trailblazer Reads list here.
His quest begins when he is encouraged by a man who calls himself a king and a gypsy fortune teller to pursue his dream. He sells his flock and travels to Morocco. As often happens in life, he experiences multiple setbacks before reaching Egypt, some lasting for many months or more. The first hits when he arrives in Morocco and is conned out of all his money. He works for a crystal merchant for a year to refund himself so he can continue his travels.
As the book unfolds Santiago learns persistence, courage, and patience as the closer to his destination he gets the more challenging things become. He becomes an important figure at the oasis where he has to wait for the warfare between the desert tribes to end and falls in love. This leads him to make a tough decision, whether to settle in the oasis or continue the journey knowing he may never return to his love and a good life.
He meets both supportive, encouraging people and scoundrels along the way. He miraculously survives dangers of the desert. This book is full of adventure and life, of following a dream even when the risk of losing everything you have gained is real. I highly recommend it as a break in studying between semesters. -Klis Guckenburg, student.
2024- Nancy Martinez and Public Services Librarian, Eva Sanchez
2023- Klis Guckenburg
2022- Taylor and Dean Kelly Peterson-Fairchild
2021- Alexandra and Dean Kelly Peterson-Fairchild
2020 Adri
2019- Dean Kelly Peterson-Fairchild and Alan
2018- Lynzee and Dean Kelly Peterson-Fairchild